Our talented students are currently rehearsing for the upcoming Big Brothers Production titled 'Long Tan'. The play is based on one of the most significant Australian battles of the Vietnam War, where 105 Australian and three New Zealand soldiers fought against 2,500 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops in a mud-filled rubber plantation in South Vietnam.
The College has some very personal connections to The Battle of Long Tan, and this has made the creative and research process even more rewarding for all involved in the production.
During their rehearsal on Sunday, the cast was lucky enough to be joined by Lieutenant Colonel Mark Tutton, father of Archie (Year 9). Mark was the Officer Commanding Delta Company (D Coy), 6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) in 2014, the same regiment involved in the battle of Long Tan. During his time as the OC, Mark kept close relations with Long Tan veterans and met with many of them on several occasions. Mark shared stories with the cast about his military experience and his connection to Long Tan.
Below is an image of a keyring gifted to Mark, which he shared with the cast. If you look closely at the boots, they have real dirt on them, dirt from Long Tan. Seeing this helped deepen the cast's appreciation for the story they are telling and the truth of what happened. Special thanks to Lieutenant Colonel Mark Tutton for the 'boot camp', military experience and advice shared with the students. It has been invaluable.
Tickets for Long Tan are selling quickly and purchasing tickets at the door on the evening of the performances will not be possible so be sure to purchase your tickets this week. Performances will be in the College Theatrette from April 4 to April 6.
To hear more from the cast, click here and to buy your tickets click here!