Call for nominations

The Br Francois Service Medal is named after one of the earliest Brothers, Br Francois (Gabriel Rivat), who joined the Little Brothers of Mary at the time of St Marcellin and became the first Superior-General of the order. Br Francois demonstrated his love and care for others especially through his service to the Brothers and to the sick.  

The person receiving this Medal will be a former student who:

  • has been out of school for a minimum of 3 years and not more than 15 years, and
  • is a person with a demonstrated track record of service to others and has made an exceptional contribution to meeting the needs of the vulnerable.

Please note: People who have been nominated in past years will also be considered for the 2021 medal.

To nominate a person for this medal please email Peter Hawes and provide:

  • the person’s full name and year of graduation
  • a brief statement about the service he has been engaged in. You may like to use the following: type/nature of service, level of commitment, type of involvement, duration (i.e. number of years and frequency).

The closing date for nominations is this Friday, 21 May 2021.

Click here for more information.