
Congratulations to the students of the Class of 2021, their families and teaching staff, on this year’s pleasing Year 12 Certificate results. This has been a remarkable collaborative effort in what was a challenging year for everyone, not least for our young men. Without exception, they responded with grace, ingenuity and good humour.

Marist is proudly nonselective, so to have more than 25% of students attain an ATAR greater than 90 is a performance that reflects the quality of our teaching and the diligence of our students. Half the cohort undertaking tertiary studies achieved an ATAR of 81 or above. Congratulations to Dux of the College, Aden Power, for achieving an ATAR of 99.80 and Proxime Accessit Liam Harcombe with an ATAR of 99.75. Darrel Prajogo and Jayden Skidmore also achieved ATAR scores above 99 placing them in the top 1% of the ACT.

We are equally proud of the many students who sought a vocational path; many have already secured apprenticeships. 

We hope all the graduating class departed us with a love of learning, a desire to think for themselves, a searching curiosity, and an openness to listen to views and thoughts of others.

On top of our rigorous learning environment, the best and obviously the most important element of our Catholic school is the faith community we proclaim to nurture for the boys in our care. Any academic success our boys achieve, finds its firmest foundations there. On behalf of the Marist community, I wish the Year 12 graduates every success in their future endeavours.

Matthew Hutchison